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Newgate Blog

A Guide To Crowd And Queue Management

Published: 14th January 2020

Single Rotor Turnstile

Managing crowds and queues is not as easy as it sounds, and it is a lot more complicated than simply herding a bunch of people through an entrance or organising them into a line and expecting them to stay there. Therefore it is essential to ensure that you have sufficient crowd and queue management systems in place to prevent overcrowding at your premises or event.

As well as taking the obvious steps such as ensuring that there are personnel available to manage people directly it is often beneficial to implement professional systems designed to help manage crowds and queues of people, such as turnstiles and pedestrian gates. This is especially true at various entry/exit points which can become the most crowded and prevent access entirely if not managed correctly.

How can turnstiles and pedestrian gates help?

Turnstiles and pedestrian gates limit the amount of people who can enter an establishment, business or event and prevent large crowds all rushing to get to a certain place. This is likely going to prevent accidents such as tripping and falling and reduces the pressure of security guards or event managers as they have less people to attend to at any given time.

Turnstiles are intricately designed to allow only one or two people through at a time and, depending on the type of business and the amount of crowd control necessary and are available in single rotor, twin rotor and tripod variants.

Single rotor turnstiles are designed to allow one person at a time but can easily be paired with a pedestrian gate if necessary. This is most suitable when managing large crowds and queues of people who are more likely to cause accidents if allowed to group together. However, single rotor turnstiles are less suitable for businesses or events that don’t have the time to allow one person in at a time and are perhaps better suited to smaller events and crowds.

Twin rotor turnstiles are ideal for occasions where larger crowd control is needed and allows faster pedestrian access than the single rotor turnstile. With two full height rotors this turnstile is designed for speed as well as safety and is perfectly suited for giving access to multiple pedestrians very quickly.

Tripod turnstiles are robust, easy to use and are ideal for fast moving crowds specifically in airports, office buildings, train stations and leisure facilities. With a simpler rotor system designed for quick entry, this turnstile is perhaps better suited for smaller crowds where entry is required quickly. However, due to the height of this turnstile it will require manual attention as impatient crowds often try to jump over the turnstile rather than wait to go through it.

Pedestrian gates can be various sizes and as such are suitable for crowds of various sizes and allow quick access to an event or business premises. In addition, pedestrian gates can often be fitted with access control systems allowing for authorised access only which is ideal for ticketed events. Alternatively, pedestrian gates can be paired with a turnstile to provide a separate entry way for staff and authorised personnel who aren’t pedestrians or customers.

If you are thinking about a turnstile or pedestrian gate for your premises, please contact the team at Newgate today on 0808 156 1561 or email to discuss your requirements.


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